Machine translation alone is simply not enough. However, when combining it with services from a professional translation company, you have the perfect recipe for bringing more customers your way. A qualified linguist can use machine translation alongside their own translation skills, in order to get the best balance of the two and the most accurate translations possible overall.
Technology, and its advancements over the years, has allowed us to do so much. It’s even made the process of reaching new customers easier than it has ever before. Years ago, the only way to translate any business related content into a different language would be by learning it yourself. These days, qualified translators and machines can work together for the best possible results and to save more time.
Machine translation – what does it involve?
Machine translation is the process of translating text to another language via a computer, without the input of a human translator. It’s not recommended to use machine translation alone, but when combined with a qualified human linguist, the two can create a solid, accurate translation for pretty much any industry.
There are three main types of machine translation system, which all work differently:
- Rules based systems – these machines use language and grammar rules for common words, including specialist dictionaries for certain industries. When used by a professional linguist, the rules based system can deliver accurate translations.
- Statistical systems – these systems learn to translate as they go by analysing large amounts of data. They can be trained for specific industries and deliver fluent translations.
- NMT, or Neural Machine Translation – a relatively new approach where machines learn to translate through a single network. They’ve been shown to provide a better performance in translation.
How are machine translators useful?
Machine translators are sometimes seen to be inaccurate ways to translate text. To some extent, this is true, but when used the right way, they can bring much quicker and more accurate results. Over recent years, professional translation companies have used machine translation to quickly translate basic text or to translate content that will then be passed onto the translator, in order to check for inaccuracies or mistranslations in detail.
Machine translation may only be useful solely for internal company translations, for example. However, if you’re in need of accurate translations to boost your business’ success in multiple new countries, then you don’t want to simply rely on a machine to always get things right. Choose a company who will use their own linguist’s skills as well as the time-saving translations of a machine.
Why is machine translation alongside a professional linguist a popular choice?
There are many reasons why machine translation is a popular choice to help expert translators do their jobs effectively. These reasons will be beneficial to both the translator and their client or business.
Machine translation alone is obviously going to be a cheap option. However, you’re compromising the accuracy and reliability of your translations if you opt for this. A professional linguist and a machine translator can save the translator time. Saved time is good for a business too when you’re paying a translator. Bear this in mind – is accuracy or budget more important in the long run?
Many translators use machine translation to make the whole process faster, both for them, and for you. However, when using both types of translation together, you can be confident in the accuracy of your translation. Machines can translate content almost immediately, which means a translator can get on with checking for inaccuracies and altering them much more effectively.
Content size.
Most of the time, language translation is needed for large amounts of content or huge documents. Machine translation can drastically reduce the amount of time needed to go through reams and reams of text. It wouldn’t make sense for a human translator alone to spend an unpractical amount of time translating documents.
Customised to an industry.
Machine translators can be customised for a specific industry. As a result, the quality of your translations will be much higher. The best part about using this with a human translator, is that any changes to translation errors can be given back to the machine in order the help the accuracy of it for future translations.
Machine translation and human translators go hand in hand.
Machine translation alone for your business wouldn’t be wise, but when combining human and machine, you’ll get the best possible results. Technology has come a long way and by utilising it as much as possible, you’ll build up a trusting relationship with your customers, both new and old.
This post was in collaboration with Intrawelt, translation and interpretation agency. For more information about their services or to get in contact, visit their website: