I have received a lot of e-mails regarding this e-mail people are confused as to if this is real or a spam scam. I have verified that this is a real lawsuit again Netflix. The lawsuit is regarding
“Netflix unlawfully kept and disclosed information, including records on the movies and TV shows its customers viewed.”
This e-mail lets you decide if you would like to opt in or out of the lawsuit. This is for users who are and were subscribers. It has not been said how much money each customer will be paid but from what I have read on
and from the e-mail itself
“Netflix will pay out $9 million into a settlement fund. $2.25 million of that will go to attorneys’ fees, $30,000 to be split between the two named plaintiffs, and the rest going to charitable donations.“
A copy of the e-mail is listed below for those who did not get one or want to verify you received the same e-mail and information.
If You Are a Current or Former Netflix Subscriber
A Class Action Settlement Could Affect You
Para una notificación en Español, llamar 1-866-898-5088 o visitar www.VideoPrivacyClass.com
Our records show that you were a current or former Netflix subscriber as of July 5, 2012. We are emailing to tell you about a Settlement that may affect your legal rights. Please read this email carefully. Go to www.VideoPrivacyClass.com for more information.
A Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit that claims Netflix unlawfully kept and disclosed information, including records on the movies and TV shows its customers viewed. Netflix denies that it has done anything wrong.
What does the Settlement provide?
Netflix has agreed to change its data retention practices so that it separates (known as “decoupling”) Entertainment Content Viewing History (that is, movies and TV shows that someone watched) from identification information for those subscribers who have not been aNetflix subscriber for at least 365 days, with some exceptions.
In addition, Netflix will pay $9 million into a Settlement Fund to:
• Make donations to Court-approved not-for-profit organizations, institutions, or programs.
• Pay notice and settlement administration expenses.
• Pay attorneys’ fees of up to 25% or $2.25 million of the Settlement Fund, plus up to $25,000 in expenses.
• Pay a total incentive award of $30,000 to the Named Plaintiffs.
Proposals from potential donation recipients will be sought, and, after consideration, recommendations will be made to the Court. A list of the proposed donation recipients will be posted on the website.
Your Options
If you do nothing, you will remain in the Settlement and your rights will be affected. If you do not want to be included, you must exclude yourself by November 14, 2012. If you exclude yourself you will keep your right to sue Netflix about the claims in this lawsuit. If you remain in the Settlement, you can object to it by November 14, 2012.
The Court will hold a hearing on December 5, 2012 to consider any objections, whether to approve the Settlement, award attorneys’ fees, and incentive award. You can appear at the hearing, but you don’t have to. You can hire your own attorney, at your own expense, to appear or speak for you at the hearing.
For more information: 1-866-898-5088 www.
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