As most on you know I recently purchased a Mac and I must say I am very pleased. Being a big Linux enthusiast I am very pleased with my new Macbook pro the look and feel is great and the easy user interface is great. The Mac really reminds me of the current release of Ubuntu just better. Sorry to all you Ubuntu users I am not trying to offend anyone but that’s my feeling anyway. I still like Linux so you will still see me at the Linux conferences just with my Mac. But one thing I did struggle with most of my music was in WMA format. On the Mac only MP3 and up gets recognized. So I used this tool All2MP3 to convert my library. I was very pleased everything converted no file corruption or anything. All you have to do is install the tool. Just click the add button pick the files you want to convert. Click convert and the software does the conversion very fast and painless and drops the MP3 in the original folder with the WMA file. The link be low will allow you to download the app and has a few instructions.