Apple officially released their new Sign In With Apple button at WWDC. While Apple has always put the security of their users above anything else they have asked that they take the first spot for logins now. When reading Apples Human Interface Guidelines they ask developers to
“Prominently display a Sign In with Apple button. Make a Sign In with Apple button the same size or larger than other sign-in buttons, and avoid making people scroll to see the button.”
“Position a Sign In with Apple button correctly in relation to other sign-in buttons. In a stacked layout, place the Sign In with Apple button above the other buttons.”
Apple has been at the topic of antitrust issues as of late and I am very surprised they would do something like this knows that they are still being investigated and could spend some time in court. With Apple only under fire for their App store this may not be an issue at this very moment. I can understand why Apple would want to be on top since you are using an app on Apples platform.