Google takes on LinkedIn and Salesforce
This week starts off with some fun news as we see Google take on LinkedIn and Salesforce with their new app for Gsuite Hire. Google Hire is a new recruiting app that integrates with Gsuite natively since it’s a Google built and designed app designed to help you recruit employees for your business needs.
Microsoft Launches Xbox Live Creators Program
Microsoft launched the Xbox Live Creators Program, which lets anyone publish Xbox Live-enabled games for Xbox One and Windows 10. Those who join the program can utilize all the Xbox Live features for development.
Office 365 Sales Are Doing Great
Microsoft released their earning report not only is Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Cloud Services doing great but for the first time, Microsoft got more revenue from Office 365 subscriptions than from traditional office software licensing. Microsoft stock hit record setting territory topping $75 a share, after the better-than-expected financial results.
Ubuntu 16.10 Reaches End of Life
On, July 20, 2017, was the last day when the Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was supported by Canonical as the operating system now reached end of life, and it will no longer receive security and software updates.
Windows 10 Creators Update News
The Windows 10 creators update with not be available on older Atom-based Windows devices, and other aging models in the future. Microsoft will be offered the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, plus security updates through January 2023, the end of the original Windows 8.1 support period.
Game of Thrones Pirates Being Monitored By HBO
HBO’s most popular show Game of Thrones is coming back for its last and final season and HBO plans to fight online piracy of one of its most popular shows. Soon after the first episode of the new season appeared online HBO contacted its anti-piracy partner IP Echelon and they started sending warnings targeted at torrenting pirates.