Even Apple products can go wrong. Are you suffering from iOS problems that you can’t solve? We look at how to fix the most common problems with iOS 12.

1 out of every 2 people that have a smartphone has an iPhone. That level of market penetration is insane given that there are literally hundreds of brands of phones on the market that people can choose from.

Despite the fact that iPhone users have different models of the popular smartphone brand (X, XS, 8, etc.), in most cases, all modern iPhones (and iPads) are running iOS 12.

Therein lies a collective problem.

While iOS 12 is the most robust operating system that Apple has ever rolled out, it’s also imperfect. Actually, we’ll take it a step further and say that iOS 12 is downright buggy.

To help you push past issues that you may be experiencing, here are some common iOS problems and fixes.

  1. Battery Drain

One of the most commonly cited iOS problems that users run into when updating to any new iOS version is battery issues. This problem tends to present itself in the way of batteries draining faster than they were previously.

There are a few possible causes for this.

For starters, your phone may just be old and its battery might be straining under the amount of horsepower that it takes for iOS 12 to run. There’s not much you can do about that beyond upgrading your phone.

A more likely reason for your battery woes is that your battery is adjusting to your OS. To help move it along, close out all background applications and let your battery completely drain. Then, charge it to full.

  1. Cellular Connectivity

Smartphones do so much today that some of us have forgotten what their core function actually is… To call people.

If you’re not able to get calls out or texts sent after an iOS update, toggle off your phone’s cellular connectivity in its settings. After 60-seconds, toggle it back on, wait another 60 seconds and then restart your phone.

If that doesn’t do the trick, call your cellphone provider.

  1. WIFI Problems

Is your phone constantly disconnecting from its stored WIFI connections post updating? If it is, here are some things that you can try…

The most successful fix for WIFI issues is to click on your existing connections in your settings and “forget” them. Once forgotten, reconnect.

If that doesn’t take care of the problem, try resetting your router and restarting your phone.

  1. Bluetooth Connectivity

Are Bluetooth connectivity issues at the top of your iOS problems list? If they are, you’re certainly not alone. This issue has been flagged frequently among iPhone owners and is also a common iPad problems complaint.

Your best bet is to go into your Bluetooth settings and “forget” the devices that you have stored. Once forgotten, reconnect.

Still not working? It could be that your Bluetooth device that’s causing the problem. Try connecting to another Bluetooth object to isolate the issue.

  1. FaceTime Not Working

Among the most annoying iOS problems that we’ve seen caused by iOS 12 is the dreaded FaceTime “waiting for activation” issue. You can read books worth of content on how to solve this problem. To save you some time, try going through the following steps:

Restart your phone to see if that fixes the issue. If it doesn’t, ensure that you’re running the latest version of iOS 12. If you are, toggle off your cellular data, wait 60-seconds and toggle it back on.

Is FaceTime still not working? Ensure that you can connect to the internet. If you can, log out and back into your iTunes account from your phone.

If that doesn’t work, contact Apple Support.

  1. Stuck in Landscape Mode

For whatever reason, we’ve seen a lot of applications get stuck in landscape mode after installing iOS 12. In almost all cases, you can simply hold your device sideways, wait 15 seconds, then slowly flip it back into portrait mode.

This should wake up your device’s gyro-sensor and get things working.

If that doesn’t do the trick, check your device’s settings to make sure that you don’t have “orientation lock” activated.

Is orientation lock off? If it is, try restarting your device.

  1. Unlock Issues

If your FaceID or TouchID isn’t working, use your passcode to get access to your phone and head over to your settings.

In your lock settings, find where your Face/TouchID information is stored and delete it. Once deleted, create a new Face/Touch profile.

  1. Your Phone Slows Down

There were a number of lawsuits thrown at Apple recently that alleged the company was purposefully slowing down phones to encourage upgrades. While Apple has since been more careful about the way that it manages its older devices, we’re still seeing some steep slow downs for some phone models running iOS 12.

To be frank, older iPhones aren’t built to be able to handle today’s most modern operating systems. Consequently, you’re either going to experience phone slow downs or severe battery drains.

To make sure that you’re not experiencing above-average slow downs, close background applications, turn off animated wallpapers/backgrounds and restart your phone.

  1. Application Crashes

Application crashes after an iOS update are almost always the fault of an application’s developer. Make sure that the application you’re using is rated for your device/operating system.

If it is, leave your app’s developer a review letting them know that there’s a problem.

Closing out Our List of Common iOS Problems

iOS problems for iOS 12 users are a dime a dozen. Fortunately, it seems as though fixes are just as abundant.

We hope that our fixes above get your phone back into fighting shape in no-time. If you require additional assistance with your technology needs, check out more of the digital-centric content that we publish weekly right here on our blog!