Connecting with business associates, colleagues, and acquaintances who are scattered in different locations is no longer an issue. Thanks to the wonderful conference calling solution which has made it possible for teams to communicate and team up with each other at any time and from any part of the globe. When it comes to conference calling there are several options. Here are the 5 free solutions that one must try.
1. ezTalks Meetings
This free conference calling solution lets you make conference calls from any platforms like smartphones, tablets, desktops, and mac. In case there is no internet connection then the conference call can be made using the telephone. With their free plan, 100 participants can get connected. They offer some very good features like free group video calls, audio calls, screen sharing, remote support, instant messaging, recording, etc. If you have been looking for a conference calling solution for online training or for remote education or conducting remote interviews then one must consider using this free solution.
2. Skype
Now this one is something that we all know and use it very frequently. Skype lets you make conference calls and it has a number of features that are free and easy to use. This is one of the most popular apps and it has a number of calling plans for landline and cell phones. 25 people can join the conference call for free and they can see each other with complete clarity. If you want to use this solution you use their web browser version or you may download their app.
3. What’s App
This app is an integral part of our lives and its free conference calling is definitely one of the best things. It is very simple to use and you need not be worried about the security. There are more than 1 billion users across the globe. Many people prefer to use this free conference calling for informal chats and not for formal business communication.
4. Clickmeeting
This is a good conference calling solution for business purpose. If you are their registered user then you can make use of their free conference calling solution. You can make use of this solution for sales and marketing purpose, you can also use it for e-learning courses for a job, online training programmes panel discussions, etc.
5. Tokbox
Their free conference calling feature allows up to 25 participants per session. It has features like interactive video, audio and messaging. It is not necessary to download the app to use these features. It is compatible with different devices. One more notable thing about Tokbox is that it supports branding if the company needs a special design.
The options available in the market are plenty. But if you want to make conference calls without burning a hole in your pocket then you can make use of the free solutions that are readily available. You may check all and use one that is more easy to use and one which is gives you more benefits.
Author Bio:
Prateek Arora is an experienced and versatile technical writer, working for the past 5 years. He is from a technical background and has knowledge in fields such as C, C++, Python, Php, Java, Blockchain, fintech etc. His coverage includes companies such as iSkysoft, SkillCafe, Keepvid, Entrepreneurbus.