I think Apple TV+ has another hit on its hands with the completion of the latest WeCrashed drama series. WeCrashed follows power couple Adam and Rebekah Neumann’s shared work real estate venture WeWork from its inception to their departure.
I want to first perfect by saying I am a huge fan of these kinds of docuseries style of shows that follow entrepreneurs or businesses through real stories played out by actors and actresses. Jared Leto’s method acting style brought Adam Neumann’s acentric behavior and character to life on the small screen. Anne Hathaway played the role of Rebekah Neumann great prepping for the role by going vegan. Hathaway’s facial expressions and body language really made the character more realistic and at times hate-able to the viewer.
The series had amazing casting including big names like Anthony Edwards (Dr. Green from ER / Goose from Top Gun), Peter Jacobson (Dr. Chris Taub from House), and O. T. Fagbenle (Rick Mason from Marvels Black Widow). This all-star cast portrayed their real-life counterparts well making the story even better and drawing you deeper into the series.
WeCrashed was eight one-hour episodes and I do not feel that the story was rushed or dragged out I feel eight episodes was the perfect length for this story that highlights a business’s big events over its fourteen-year life.
Most of the parts of the business were played out except for the WeLive franchise. In 2021, The two WeLive locations one in Northern Virginia’s Crystal City neighborhood and on Wall Street in Manhattan were sold. While WeLive opened while couple Adam and Rebekah Neumann were at the helm and were sold after they left it was another failed expansion of WeWork like WeGrow. I think since the series had a lot going on this might have been too much to add in only eight episodes and it was not a huge part of the company as they only had two locations.
I feel that this series is going to be a flagship for Apple TV+ going forward and used as a hook to get subscribers. The only thing that’s bad for Apple is that WeCrashed is obviously a one-season and done show there is no way to make a second season like other flagship shows like Morning Show or For All Mankind.
WeCrashed is defiantly very bingeable and rewatchable I feel it was that good of a series.