The image of the robot in the past has been so much more of some machine able to move around and repeat phrases or hand out pamphlets or welcome new people into a building. As time has moved on we have so much to consider with the advancement of internet, computers and more. More of the robot or bot strategy that is able to advance the world of digital publishing is in the automation of various technology.
Many different smart bot services like Alexa, Siri and others are able to hear the voice of their owners and respond with the activity that needs to be completed on a phone or in the house. Smart bot of a business is able to manage certain automated tasks with additional efficiency to the work that human employees had placed into the regularity in the past.
Here are seven ways the smart bots within the digital publishing business, or others, may be able to help with efficiency in daily operation:
- Integration.
Integrate operational smart bot services and human workforce together in your digital publishing company. In many different areas the automation and custom workflows can work together for the benefit of the customer and the growth of your business. This is the starting point for the smart bot and various automation to take place within the company, especially without the ability to happen overnight.
- Training the employees.
While employees focus on building their writing skills, experience and expertise, smart bots will do the repetitive tasks within business. Additionally, like the smart bots used in home and our phones, the ones in business can do beyond those tasks depending on how technologically advanced they are.
- Digital marketing.
One prime area where efficiency will gain from the bot strategy in digital publishing is on the side of digital marketing. With the customers of digital books, there is a great deal that can be advanced in the advanced automation of digital marketing. There is also the need to advance the publisher’s digital marketing from the automotive perspective. While there may be a number of various and tasks that the marketing team have had to learn and develop over the years, there is the ability to automate so much of the company’s marketing and promotion for efficiency inside the business website as well as promotion externally. The addition of the smart bot service to the company’s web platform helps the marketing team set up the automation of actual marketing production. The human members of the marketing team would be able to focus upon the creative content and high quality of their promotions and advertisements and more.
Additionally, while someone in marketing or advertising would have manually managed keywords and SEO, re-posting of ads, creating and scheduling messages, customer response chat boxes, and many other issues, there are other items that would be more efficiently managed with the integration of the smart bot service to the publisher’s website. While the advertisements of different books can be automated in different ways from placement to scheduling and more, there is much for the human employee to learn on their own growth.
- Automated messaging.
Digital companies often receive inquiries. The good thing is that they can determine the voice of the smart bot service within the workforce and evaluate closely what the can use to respond to this queries especially through automated messaging that can be completed via email, SMS and more. There will be the ability to creatively update the website content, but the more automated responses and messaging can be updated through the smart bot service. Sometimes it is the automatic voice on the phone who allows sorting customer support FAQ’s that has to be answered as needed. Then there are the automated texts and emails that can go out for customer support surveys or in response to inquiries that are sent in on the website’s “Contact Us” link.
- Customer support.
With the bot strategy that can keep the automated messaging and communication simple, the basic answers can be filled for the benefit of the customer. Then, there is the addition of the human-like customer support who that adds empathy and additional quality.
Smart bots now can deliver value through empathy. Remember, though, there is always an important need for the personal side of customer support that makes customers feel a solid value from your company from the empathy provided through your team. So, it will still be the best reason to remember that smart bot services can add to your efficiency, but there is no reason to completely match the voice of the human service. Serious concerns and inquiries should will be redirected by the smart bots to the publishing company’s human editorial staffs or key persons.
- Divide tasks.
Next, smart bots can divide the workflow properly between the tasks that are to be automated and those that will be continually changing and updating. Smart bots also help the publishing company easily and automatically sort out tasks human writers and employees need to focus on and tasks that they, as smart bots, could easily work on.
- Tracking and reporting.
Continuously track metrics and learn from changes being made, measuring the help of the smart bot services to bring your business into the next era. The best way to grow will be to track the metrics of what sort of sales, customer reviews, website traffic and leads, and more. You will be able to see what smart bot services have been the most effective, were further updates will be needed, and where further additions may be made. With the business world online, there is so much of an advance that can be made in terms of the smart bot service and other automated areas.
In conclusion, there will be a great deal of advancement and steps forward to be gained in the integration of smart bot services to the digital publishing industry. It is just a matter of choosing the right smart bot company that matches you publishing needs. It is important to remember that the human employee will not be replaced completely, and will definitely not be shoved out of the system right off the bat. It will be a workflow that requires management of the automation systems, and much more training and work on the part of existing employees. However, it is a system that will start to move things to a higher and more advancement level.
About the author.
Brian O’Donnell is the Vice President – Marketing and Business Strategist of Attunix. He is the Co-founder of Attunix and is responsible for bringing Attunix’s capabilities to strategic planning, and new product & service offering development.