There is a big chance you will have to write a technical research paper as a part of your capstone project or another valuable assignment. Grades received for such projects affect your progress significantly, and if you are genuinely interested in getting that diploma on time, it is better if you know how to write an excellent technical research paper. We can’t promise that with these tips you will be able to write it brilliantly, but we are sure that they will help you get started and keep going.
Understand Your Goal
Doing research you are looking for answers which theoretically can help to solve some problems. Any research paper has this goal, but, of course, the questions asked and the problem solved depend on the field of study. Defining a purpose of your technical research paper you should not forget about your readers. Ask yourself if the problem you are willing to solve relevant to them and their professional or daily-life experience? Would they relate with the specific direction of study? Of course, you can write a research paper related only to your own ideas, goals, and wishes, but it is much more engaging and gratifying to work on something many people can benefit from.
Present Your Professor with a Narrow Topic
You should first define several topics related to the goal you have stated earlier. Later, among these topics, you have to choose the most relevant and engaging one and then narrow it narrow it down. Some of the students think that they can do research of the whole universe within one technical research paper, but such miracles just don’t happen. It is better to broaden your topic later if you have ideas and extra time and energy (won’t happen, sorry). Your professor or supervisor should approve your topic. Use databases to find out what was already written on similar topics not to repeat some study word by word.
Don’t Forget about Thesis (Problem) Statement
It would help if you presented your readers with the general problem statement about your topic. First of all, write it down in as many words and sentences as you need. It can include your story, several abstracts of thoughts, etc. You are not supposed to come up with a perfect problem statement sentence from a very beginning. But later you should briefly state what it is you are writing about, explain why you find it relevant and give an idea on how you are going to prove/test your statement in your technical research paper.
Pay Attention to the Formatting
Technical research papers and case studies are the most difficult to format because they have lots of tables, numbers, equations, etc. Unfortunately, often even the most exciting and well-thought-out technical research papers receive average or even low grades due to the poor formatting. Use a formatting style guide, preferably of the Purdue Owl level and check every in-text citation, every index, and a footnote in your research paper. There are two options — you can start doing it while writing or do everything at once after finishing most of the writing. The first option is safer in terms of the deadline because often students underestimate the amount of time they need to complete formatting. Our advice — using a particular source, find a reliable citation generator and generate citations for your paper, in-text and the one you will add to a work-cited page. Save those citations in the separate document, if you are willing to make formatting later.
When writing a technical report, pay attention to all the requirements provided by your professor. Creativity is valuable, but you should also follow those instructions to the dot. Don’t neglect to ask your professor questions and follow his or her advice, this way you won’t have to make lots of changes in the last minute. Don’t forget to make an in-depth grammar check, preferably using professional grammar checkers. It is better to address several checkers because their algorithms vary and find different mistakes. Leave at least one or two days before the submission date free and use them to proofread your technical research paper. If you follow these simple instructions, you will do just fine with your custom research paper written like an expert. Good luck!