Anyone who reads my blog regularly knows I have been on a health kick trying to lose weight and my latest find to help with this process if the Stand Up App. Any technology job or office job is filled with not a lot of movement we sit at our desks and try to get as much work done as possible in an eight hour time frame five days a week.
The Stand Up app helps fight the sitting we all do at our desks. I truly believe that sitting has replaced the Smoking and Tobacco Use epidemic of the 90s in America. Stand Up works by reminding you to Stand Up and move on a schedule that you set.
The app works with iPhone, iPad and the iWatch and I think does a better job than the standard Apple activity reminded. Stand Up allows you to set your schedule based on
- The frequency of standing.
- When to When you want to stand.
- Standing duration before sitting back down.
The app does have one really nice feature which stands up above the rest by letting you set Stand Up schedules for locations if you location service is enabled. You can even get a 7-day history on how much you stood for the day based on the number of times you stood up when the remind to stand went off and you clicked OK I’m Standing.
The app lets you change the colors of the display, change stand up and sit down messages all for free the only in-app purchase is changing the sounds for alerts which costs as cheap as $.99 cents to as much as $4.99 depending on how much you want to pay the company Raised Square, LLC which relies on donations to develop the app.
Overall I love this app and I am happy to have found it keeps me getting up at my desk every 45 minutes for 1 minute for the 8 hours a day when I am at work and sometimes forget to stand. Stand Up is a great app that provides a service of reminding us to “Stand Up And Live Longer”.