Step-By-Step instructions on how to install gnome GUI on CentOS
This is a step by step guide on how to install the Gnome GUI on CentOS
1. Using yum, we will need to install X Windows System as the based for GUI and rich input device capability:
$ yum groupinstall -y ‘X Window System’
2. Only then we can install GNOME desktop environment on top of it
$ yum groupinstall -y ‘Desktop’
3. Since previously the server is running on CLI mode, we need to change some value to tell CentOS to boot up in the GUI mode.
4. Vi /etc/inittab
5. Change following line: id:3:initdefault: to id:5:initdefault:
6. Reboot
Note: You can switch from GUI to CLI mode manually by using following method:
GUI to CLI: Ctrl + Alt + F6
CLI to GUI: Ctrl + Alt + F1
If you want to start the desktop from CLI console (not SSH session), use following command:
$ startx