Half a million users have already signed up to new file-sharing service Mega, its controversial founder Kim Dotcom (real name Kim Schmitz) has claimed the site is legitimate and better then Megaupload. The larger-than-life webpreneur and founder of Megaupload launched the new site from his home on Sunday.
Mega is different then Megaupload the site allegedly uses military-strength encryption and uses a new ‘cyberlocker’ feature which ensures all uploaded data is safe from being hacked or shared.
Mega is being called the privacy company which ensures that no one can see what you have uploaded to the site. Mega is being touted as easy to use, one click privacy feature and turns encryption into mass product which is needed on the internet.
The site will operate legally and is not an affront to the film industry or the US government. The music and film industry has already said they will monitor the new cloud service keeping an eye on whether the new Mega service infringes on licensed content distribution.
Megaupload itself was proven to help the independent movie box office but hurt the big blockbuster box office. Independent music artists were very upset over the take down saying they wanted their music to be distributed so they could make money on the live concerts.
Mega is a new direction for Kim Dotcom as more users sign up and site grows we will watch to see if they are victims of any legal action. Mr Dotcom does not even know what files are being stored on his servers there for he himself has freed himself of most liabilities as he is fighting his case still over Megaupload.