My latest build project. I found the project relatively easy a few day project doing it at night after work. There was a lot of soldering and involved and wire stripping over all it was a very easy project and well worth the time. The parts and materials are of good quality and easy to work with. Very much enjoyed the project.
From The Box
Assembly of this XP-15 Regulated Variable Power Supply Kit will prove to be an exciting project and give much satisfaction and personal achievement. If you have experience in soldering and wiring technique, you should have no problem following the detailed instructions that are provided and successfully assembling of this kit. The Variable Voltage Power Supply Kit is a handy portable power supply with a variable output voltage of 15VDC. Specifications: Input voltage – 120VAC, Output voltage – 1.25 – 15VDC, Output Current – 0.5A @ 8V, 0.3A @ 12V, 0.2A @ 15V, Short Protected IC Thermo, Mounted in a rugged Bakelite case.Made in the United States.