What lead you to write the book The Ax?
My first visit to a friends house her family thought I may have been an ax murderer because we never met in person before.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

The end was my favorite part to write because of the surprise of who the ax murderer really was.

What’s the one big takeaway you want people to have after reading your book?

I hope that anyone who reads my book enjoys them.

What books have most influenced your life most?

Autobiographies most influence me, I like to read how others made it to where they are, the experiences of struggles, to me that’s encouraging.

Do you have any other writing projects in process? 

Yes, I am presently working on a book entitled; Santa Claws

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

For me I think the most difficult part would be writing to hold a persons interest, I don’t want to bore my readers.  Granted not everyone will like the type of book I may write but that is true for any author. Different people have different tastes.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 

Follow your dreams, at least try. Living with a, what if, is to me the worst to live with because you can spend times wondering what may have been.

Those are the questions you had asked for, now I would like to share a story with you, I’m not sure I told you before. When my book; The Ax was published, a friend’s daughter read the book. She never liked to read but she chose my book to start with. Her daughter emailed me saying she really enjoyed reading my book and she never liked to read but now she reads all the time. She even did her book report on that particular book. That email made me feel good finding out that my book sparked her interest in reading.