HTML5 is used to structure content. HTML is an XML-based language based on the principle of nested tags. Even when writing a single sentence, HTML is used. I will need to write lines of HTML to tell the browser to display text.

As the HTML works on the principle of nested tags, I will frame text by two tags: The first to indicate the beginning and the second to indicate the end. In summary, it serves to indicate to the browser how to display the web page. The choice of tags is paramount and search engines use tags to classify and position web pages when querying.

Imagine that I wanted to create a site with a single page. Each tag has a logical use in structuring the document. Although the rendering to the display is the same, for the browser’s interpretation of the page, and especially for the search engines, it is not at all the same. It is therefore very important to pay particular attention to the choice of tags.

HTML is a language designed to represent web pages. It allows a programmer to write hypertext, structure and format pages, and include multimedia resources and forms. It also contains APIs for creating applications. It is one of the most widely used languages for the development of non-native applications.

HTML is the basic language for creating a website. Even if a web page is relatively simple, a programmer will always need HTML. So, whether I am launching a small personal site or a very large project, I will have to use HTML. Learning HTML is one thing, mastering it is another.

A programmer has decided to go into the creation of a mobile application, and is now facing a thorny problem: what to choose between a native application and a web application. Both have some advantages and disadvantages.

The smartphones and tablets each have their own environment: iOS for Apple, Windows Phone, Android, etc. If a company engages in the development of a mobile application for all its users or customers, it will have to create a version of the application for each environment. The application code developed on each of these platforms is specific. However, there are other possibilities.

Why create a mobile application with HTML5?

HTML is already used since the birth of the web, but its fifth version is adapted to a wide variety of terminals, including mobiles. Web applications are multiplatform, and have the advantage of being updated without user intervention.

Applications can first be launched on the market in HTML before moving to a native application. The cost of developing applications with HTML is two to three times lower because a programmer can create a single application that works both on Android and iOS. In addition, HTML can be used to launch a beta version of an application or a mobile game. Available in open source, this is a language known to many programmers, making programming in HTML one of the least expensive options in the mobile development market.

The main advantage of HTML is therefore its relative simplicity. Although a programmer will be able to learn it very quickly, to master it requires a little more time. It is perfect for beginners because a programmer will know how to create web pages very quickly with text, images and videos. HTML has only a hundred tags. Rest assured, a programmer will not need to know them all, just to know that they exist.

The sites developed with HTML are adaptive, that is to say, they adapt to the different screen sizes. HTML works on all browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.), whether for mobile app development or a desktop. According to analysis, a majority of mobile applications are developed with HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Unlike previous versions, HTML allows a programmer to insert streaming audio and video content. This facilitates the creation of websites that will be used as mobile apps (web apps).

The mobile app development of applications with HTML also has its disadvantages. In addition, the cross-platform application cannot access smartphone devices (GPS, Bluetooth, camera, etc.) without plugins. It may therefore not work properly if the user refuses to install the necessary plugins.

Most importantly, the speed of the application is significantly reduced. The multiplatform solution is ideal for developing simple applications that do not contain a lot of functionality. They are limiting in their interactions with the phone, because JavaScript and HTML are not yet fully mature to fully exploit the mobile terminals. Moreover, not being in the shops can be a disadvantage for visibility.

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