Every director on a credit union’s board has dealt with the three-pound tomes that get distributed before every meeting, and just about every one of them has wished there was a better way. The couriered packages and binders are a cumbersome and inefficient way to get crucial information to directors on the go, juggling a number of different responsibilities and positions. Fortunately, electronic board books make it possible for directors to carry those critical documents in their tablet, laptop, or even their smartphone. If your credit union is considering changing the way it administers meetings, it’s time to take a serious look at the benefits of board portal software.

  1. Index of legislation and bylaws

As financial organizations, CUs are subject to a number of state/provincial and federal regulations, while directors also have to be aware of their own organizational bylaws. Keeping an index of links to relevant regulations on a digital platform is a simple way to keep regulations at your fingertips.


  1. Security

Credit unions have unique security requirements that only a board portal can meet. Email and free document sharing services simply cannot guarantee the confidentiality of your organization’s financial reports, minutes, and decisions. One of the advantages of board portals like Aprio is multi-layered access privilege. That means administrators can create different groups with access to different materials, which is particularly useful for committees, CEO evaluations, and in-camera meetings. If you’re interested in learning more about what differentiates platforms like these from free document sharing services, it’s time to learn about Aprio board portal software.

  1. No more last-minute email chaos

In the days and hours leading up to the meeting, there are always a flurry of changes, especially when it comes to financial reports. Multiple people start sending different version of the same report, and anyone traveling by plane is certain that they won’t see the most up-do-date numbers until they land. Electronic board books allow administrators to cut through clutter by simply replacing outdated versions of reports,and a simple, instant email notification keeps everyone updated. The email contains a link to the document in the platform, meaning it remains securely behind password authorization.

  1. Instant distribution of information

Inevitably, one director sends a request for additional information. Should the administrator send it to everyone? In some cases, it may be a lot of work for little reason, but in others, it means directors arrive at the meeting with different information. Electronic distribution means that everyone has access to the same information with ease.

  1. Annotation tools that mimic paper

For the skeptics out there, board portals such as Aprio use Adobe marking tools that allow users to annotate and mark up documents in a way that imitates pen and paper. While notes remain physically and visually similar to paper, these annotations can also be shared live with other members, meaning more time to discuss and consider important issues. These annotations can also be kept private for personal notes members may use during meetings.

Governing a credit union doesn’t have to be such a struggle, or such a weight on your back. Start using a secure, electronic platform for your organization’s governing needs.